Words, words, words...sometimes I get tired of words. I've made a video instead... 'Until next time. Take care. Lizabett R. #japan #hyogo...

Earthquake Simulator
After the ‘small’ earthquake (5.3 magnitude) on Saturday morning I have started to develop quite an interest in this phenomenon. With...

Welcome to the Mad Show
Tokyo is fun. However, I crave to go away from the big city as soon as possible. I want to see the countryside. I want to wonder around...

Koenji, Tokyo
Koenji. Cosplay, live houses, vintage clothing (Sokkyou), alternative youth subculture, izakaya, insanely cute cafés, soba noodles,...

The Beauty of Music and Art
I’ve always wondered how it would be to go to a show that is completely in a foreign language. Since I considered this thought as being a...

Cicada Songs
My 3rd day in Tokyo started smoothly with a Japanese traditional breakfast which consisted of miso soup and rice. Miso soup usually...

And so the journey begins
Blown by the wind, I start my journey. A journey into the unknown. No more comfort, no more routine, no more silly worries, no more...

New website / Orange Neko
Welcome to my new website. Me and Orange Neko hope you will like it here... Lizabett~ #music #lizabettrusso #neko #cat #website